Well I'm a bit late, but cancelled trains meant I was stuck at home today and finally managed to get on the high score table. In common with a lot of oldies though, it's just the score that's recorded, you don't even get to put your initials in!
13750 , I'm satisfied with that!
Really enjoyed this one. My only tactics were:
Level 1
Stay as far right as possible, that way you get maximum time for your bombs to take out the rockets, or at least time to take avoiding action. It's annoying when a rocket takes off when you are at the left of the screen and there's no-where you can go to avoid it.
Level 2
A lot easier when you realise the artillery shells have a limited height (apart from a couple which sometimes enter the screen from the right very high up) you can basically fly around the shells if you are lucky.
Level 3
I just ignored everything but the red stars, trying to shoot as many as possible before the fly towards you. Of the ones remaining, by alternating high/low you can avoid most of them - once they start flying towards you they don't have time to adjust to your height. Luckily nothing much on the ground seemed to attack me.